Burlap slipcovers?
Yes! You can add a burlap coffee sack to your slipcover. Pinterest is loaded with ideas on using burlap coffee sacks. Everything was pre-washed- burlap, coffee sack and the solid cotton fabric. There are many helpful links on-line on how to pre-wash and sew burlap and burlap coffee sacks. Here is a great blog post-
www.ellaclaireinspired.com . This slipcover will need to be dry clean only.
All burlap and coffee sack pieces were lined with a cotton muslin.
Before picture
Every part of the chair that would touch your skin is covered in the soft cotton fabric.
Before picture
The customer did not want to use cording so everything was top stitched.
Before side
These are a couple of coffee sack slipcovers I found on Pinterest. These are both made of a softer fabric than the one I used.
I am linking this post to
Miss Mustard Seed
Redoux Interiors
Shabby Nest